最終更新日:2021/09/15 |
英語論文ライティングセミナー [2回目]
効果的な英語論文のライティングと投稿: Lee SeamanとTom Langが教えるノンネイティブのための戦略
Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers: Strategies for ESL Authors: A 3-part series by Lee Seaman and Tom Lang, MA
日時: |
第1回目 2021年7月29日 …終了
第2回目 2021年10月21日
第3回目 2022年2月10日(木曜日)
使用システム: |
参加申込: |
https://forms.gle/CBrcfvaNG477AAqH6 |
参加費: |
正会員 5,000円
一般 10,000円
学生 5,000円
正会員 9,000円
一般 18,000円
学生 9,000円
JMCAのためにLee Seaman氏とTom Lang氏が共同で開発したこのオンラインセミナーでは,日本の論文著者がそのような英語で科学論文を書くために役立つガイドラインとテクニックを紹介します。
Lee Seaman (Seaman Medical Inc.)
Tom Lang (Tom Lang Communications and Training International)
<第2回> 日時:2021年10月21日(木曜日)13:30-15:30 |
13:30-13:50(20分) Review July session
13:50-14:10(20分) Revising: Tools for writing English that your reader can understand quickly and accurately
Introduce the “Nominative” Edits, with examples
Introduce the “Given-New” Edits with examples
Exercises for students>
14:10-14:30(20分) Methods: Documenting your study design (your Methods section) to make your paper suitable for evidence-based medicine
Discuss reporting guidelines. Focus on CONSORT and STROBE (especially Cohort studies)
If the Methods are good, the study question will be answered.
What has to be done to answer the study question?
How to document your study design (your Methods section) to make your paper suitable for evidence-based medicine
Make sure that every method has a result, and that every result has a method.
If you don’t understand the study question, you can’t guarantee that the rest of the article will be consistent with it.
A good Methods section lays the groundwork for a clear and logical
Exercises for students
14:40-15:05(25分) Results: Figures and Tables
Review homework (related to figures and tables)
Everybody uses Tables and Figures, but many authors don’t use them well.
The most common errors in Tables, and how to avoid them
The most common errors in Figures, and how to avoid them
Typical pitfalls for Japanese authors in English tables and graphs
Exercises for students
15:05-15:10(5分) Summary of the day’s work
15:10-15:30(20分) Q&A
<第3回の概要(2022年2月開催予定)> |
Review previous sessions
Polishing: How to proofread with your reader in mind
The publication process
Pitfall for Japanese authors: “But I thought that was obvious!” (Part III)
Summary of the day’s work
電 話:050-6861-3069